Organization Tips: Simplify Your Life and Reduce Stress


In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, responsibilities and tasks, staying organized can seem like an impossible task. However, an organized life can be the key to reducing stress and increasing productivity. When everything is in its place and your tasks are under control, you have more time to focus on the things that really matter. In this article, we'll explore practical and effective tips for simplifying your life and keeping stress under control through organization.

1. Set priorities

The first step towards a more organized life is to define your priorities. Not all tasks are equally important, and trying to do everything at once will only increase stress. An effective way of setting priorities is to use the Eisenhower matrix, which classifies tasks into four categories:


  • Urgent and important: Tasks that need to be done immediately.
  • Important, but not urgent: Tasks that are important, but can be scheduled for another time.
  • Urgent, but not important: Tasks that are urgent, but not necessarily important. They can be delegated.
  • Neither urgent nor important: Tasks that are not of significant importance and can be eliminated or postponed.

By categorizing your tasks in this way, you can focus on what really matters and avoid the stress of trying to do everything at once.

2. Create a Daily Routine

Having a daily routine can be one of the pillars of an organized life. When you follow a consistent schedule, you avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed. Start by creating a to-do list for each day, including personal and professional activities. Set times to wake up, exercise, work and rest. This helps create a rhythm that keeps your responsibilities under control and allows you time to take care of yourself.

It is important, however, to be flexible. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes you have to adjust your routine. The important thing is to have a basic plan that you can follow most of the time.

3. Let Go of What You Don't Need

Accumulating unnecessary things can cause chaos in your life and increase stress. One of the best ways to simplify your life is to practice letting go. This includes not only physical objects, but also commitments and activities that add no value to your life.


Start with a small space, such as a drawer or cupboard, and give it a thorough clean. Ask yourself if you really need each item and, if not, donate, sell or dispose of it. By freeing up physical space, you also free up mental space, which can bring a sense of relief and clarity.

4. Use organizational tools

Organizational tools can be great allies in simplifying your life. From to-do list apps to digital calendars, there are countless options that can help you keep your responsibilities in order. Some popular tools include:

  • Trello: To manage projects and tasks visually.
  • Evernote: To capture ideas, notes and lists in one place.
  • Google Calendar: To organize your time and commitments.
  • Todoist: A to-do list app that helps you prioritize and organize your daily tasks.

These tools not only help you keep your tasks organized, but they can also send reminders, preventing you from forgetting important appointments.

5. Keep Your Workspace Organized

An organized work environment is essential for productivity and stress reduction. A disorganized space can cause distraction and make it difficult to concentrate. Here are some tips for keeping your workspace in order:

  • Discard what you don't need: Keep only the items you really need for work on your desk.
  • Organize your documents: Use folders, files and labels to keep your documents organized and easily accessible.
  • Clean up after yourself every day: Take a few minutes at the end of the day to clean up your desk, throwing away unnecessary papers and putting materials in their proper places.

Also, personalize your workspace with items that motivate you, such as plants, photos or decorative objects that bring joy.

6. Adopt Minimalism

Minimalism is a philosophy that encourages you to live with less, focusing only on what is essential. By adopting this approach, you can significantly reduce stress and clutter in your life. This doesn't mean that you need to get rid of everything you own, but rather that you should focus on keeping only what really matters and brings value.

Start with small changes, such as reducing the number of clothes in your closet or limiting the number of decorative items in your home. Little by little, you'll realize that living with less is not only possible, it's also liberating.

7. Plan Your Shopping in Advance

Impulse buying can lead to clutter and unnecessary spending. An effective way to avoid this is to plan your purchases in advance. Before you go shopping, make a list of the items you really need and try to stick to it. Not only will this help keep your home more organized, it can also save you money.

Also, consider adopting a more conscious approach to consumption, opting for quality products that last longer and have less of an environmental impact. This aligns with the minimalist philosophy and contributes to a more sustainable and organized life.

8. Learn to say no

Often, stress and disorganization in our lives come from taking on more commitments than we can manage. Learning to say "no" is an essential skill for staying organized and reducing stress. This doesn't mean that you should turn down every opportunity, but rather that you should carefully assess whether each new commitment really aligns with your priorities and capabilities.

Saying "no" when necessary allows you to focus on what's most important and avoid overloading yourself with additional tasks and responsibilities.

9. Take Regular Breaks

Organization is not just about managing tasks, but also about managing your time effectively. Taking regular breaks is crucial to maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. The Pomodoro technique, for example, suggests working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. After four cycles, you take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

These breaks not only help maintain your focus and energy, but also give your brain the time it needs to process information and generate new ideas. Remember to use these breaks to stretch, breathe deeply or have a coffee.

10. Automate Repetitive Tasks

With the technology available today, many repetitive tasks can be automated, freeing up time to focus on more important activities. This can include anything from automatic bill payment to email scheduling or using tools such as IFTTT (If This Then That) to automate digital processes.

Automating tasks not only simplifies your life, but also reduces the risk of forgetting important things, reducing the stress associated with deadlines and obligations.

11. Disconnect regularly

We live in an age of constant connectivity, which can be a significant source of stress. Always being available can make you feel overwhelmed and unable to relax. Establishing moments to disconnect from social networks, emails and notifications is essential to maintaining sanity and mental organization.

Set specific times to check and reply to messages, and allow yourself periods of total disconnection, especially during moments of rest or family activities. This will help recharge your energy and keep you focused on the tasks that really matter.

12. Delegate When Possible

One of the biggest causes of stress is trying to do everything yourself. Learning to delegate tasks, both at work and at home, is essential for staying organized and reducing stress. Identify tasks that can be done by other people and trust them to do them. This not only frees up your time, but also empowers others, creating a collaborative environment.

At work, delegating tasks can help distribute the workload more equitably and allow you to focus on higher impact activities. At home, delegating responsibilities among family members can create a more harmonious and organized environment.

13. Review and Adjust Regularly

Organization is an ongoing process, not something you do once and never think about again. It's important to regularly review your routines, spaces and organization methods to see what's working and what needs to be adjusted. Take time out, perhaps once a month, to evaluate your progress and make any necessary changes.

This can include reorganizing spaces that have become cluttered, updating your to-do lists or adjusting your routine to better suit your current life. Staying flexible and willing to adapt your strategies is essential to maintaining organization in the long term.


Organization is an essential skill that, when implemented well, can transform your life, reducing stress and increasing productivity. By setting priorities, creating routines, letting go of what you don't need, using organizational tools and adopting minimalism, you can significantly simplify your life. Remember that organization is an ongoing process and requires regular adjustments, but the benefits of a more organized life will make every effort worthwhile. With the tips above, you'll be well on your way to a more balanced and less stressful life.

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